Sunday, January 20, 2013

Monsterhearts 3

Another game that I've been playing a lot of recently is MonsterHearts. I had wanted to try games based off of the Apocalypse World engine for a while, and +Seth Harris offered to run an introductory game for us. We've played a couple of different sessions, and they've all been fun.

Later in the game, there was a bit of an interruption in play. So, if you skip from 2:23:04 to 2:32:20, you should be able to enjoy the recording with minimal interruption.

True confession: at first, I didn't really want to try MonsterHearts -- basically because I've only ever heard it called the Twilight of role playing games. Ick, no thanks. I like my vampires to be from Nightwatch and my werewolves as the Narnian Secret Police.  But I agreed to play it because I wanted to try out the mechanics.

But, in honesty, as I looked over the rules, and I saw where the creator was coming from in the mediagraphy, I warmed to the game. Being Human, Misfits, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Let the Right One In are all high entertainment in my list. And playing a game where I can be a messed up vampire like Mitchell or Eli really makes my day.

A word about this game -- the characters which populate it are flawed, messed up little snowflakes. In the above video, my character, Rueben, kills two different people, maims at least one, and is pretty dispassionate when he finds his old love dead. This is not a game about being an honorable individual. There are two drives--coming to terms with who you are when you're a teenager, and having to deal with the consequences your actions bring about.

As of right now, I've got two different MonsterHearts games occuring. Rueben is in the game featured above. That game features +Ariana Ramos as Mackenzie the witch, +Meghan Erlacher as Taylor the witch, +Chuck Durfee as Liam the werewolf, and formerly featuring +Robin Botes as Peter the fay. I made a musical playlist to act as a mental guide with Rueben's relationships with the other characters.

The second game is a game I'm MCing for Seth, Ariana, and my friend +Stephanie Grove. I'll post about that here, as well, but it's going to be it's own series of posts. More updates about MonsterHearts to come!

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