So, while this is still going to be my personal space, I wanted to share with you about another project that I'm really excited about.
Last year, I began talking to my friends and gaming group about starting my own campaign. I had been reading a bunch of narrativist games, like Fiasco, Microscope, and Apocalypse World, just to name a few. So I wanted to take those more narrative based games and apply some of the techniques that they introduce. But I still wanted to take them and apply them to a "traditional" campaign using a ruleset familiar to most of my group, the excellent (and free!) Mini Six.
To add on top of that, I had the hubris to think that this would make a good topic for a podcast. So I bought an audio recorder and asked my friends' permission to turn it on. After some thought, I decided to name the podcast "Bone Throwers Theater." It's supposed to be a play off of the concept of dice being similar to a diviner's fortune-telling bones.
We recently began recording, and we've got a nice buffer built up, so I can feel comfortable announcing that the release date will be Friday, March 1st.
I'm really excited about this whole experience -- probably a little too excited. But I'm enjoying it for the time being, and it's letting me put my audio editing skills back to use (I love editing audio). I made a little one-minute promo announcing our release date, which you can listen to here. I hope you enjoy!